ReD4NE Protocol

ReD4NE ‘Responsible Energy Transition and Securing Social Licence in the NE ’.

ReD4NE has intentionally chosen a DNA based on advocating for ‘responsible energy development’. We have identified our core protocols directed at delivering on responsible development outcomes and the requisite creation of social licence.

ReD4NE advocates that the following eight (8) protocols should form the standards which underpin the New England’s energy transition. We promote these protocols as environmental, social and governance -ESG guidance for Governments state and local, for developers and for investors who respect need to facilitate genuine socio -economic outcomes acceptable to the community.These protocols present as fiduciary benchmarks for responsible investment in renewable energy development in the NE REZ.

ReD4NE seeks a just and equitable transition based on the following ‘responsible development protocols’;

Protocol 1 – ‘Genuine Social Licence’

based on genuine community equity and expectations, based on real community acceptance and inclusion within ‘top down-bottom up decision making’,–based on real benefit sharing for the community and respect for the physical and mental wellbeing of the community.

Protocol 2 – ‘Strategic Land Use Planning’

more inclusion for the Community on robust infrastructure planning and placement including the avoidance of land use conflicts and transmission route planning.

Protocol 3- ‘ More balance in ‘Food versus Fuel’ rollout

many of ReD4NE members are involved in agricultural production – they appreciate firsthand the savages of climate change. ReD4NE acknowledges the urgency emerging from the IPCC 6 Report -particularly in relation to the stability of food supply which is projected to decrease as the magnitude and frequency of extreme weather events that disrupt food chains increases. ReD4NE opposes the use of good productive agricultural land for large scale renewable energy generation and transmission.

Protocol 4 –‘Aligning project developer ‘business values and ethics with the community expectations on;

  • supply chain standards -recognising the protection of human rights in manufacturing.

  • the elimination of potential toxic pollution from the deployment of sub-standard technologies.

  • respect for indigenous landowners and their rights and cultural heritage.

  • the adoption of clearly defined, and guaranteed, ethical standards when dealing with impacted communities.

Protocol 5 – ‘The ‘protection of the New England’s natural environment and landscape’

The promotion of infrastructure which synergises, protects and promotes for;

  • biodiversity conservation- habitat objectives.

  • catchment health and management protection for water quality for downstream Mcleay River Catchment, coastal communities and the wider Murray Darling Basin.

  • preservation of National Parks for existing heritage assets and public enjoyment.

  • better management of bush fire risks; and

  • the protection of native vegetation and habitat objectives .

Protocol 6 ‘ Promoting Product Stewardship’

which promotes for stronger demonstrable responsibility and scientific certainty for ‘end of project life’ liabilities including provision for decommissioning surety bonds and clear accountable waste stream management planning.

Protocol 7 ‘Promoting right size development’

consistent with the need to avoid oversizing projects and cumulative impacts.

Protocol 8 ‘Ensuring real socio -economic advantage’

which facilitates for development which builds real and tangible job creation and economic opportunity for Regional Communities.