Membership Application

ReD4NE Inc. is Community Alliance for Responsible Renewable Energy Development for the New England

To the ReD4NE – Committee of Management – I wish in accordance with Part 2 of Clause 3 of the ReD4NE Constitution to apply for membership as indicated hereunder. In applying for acceptance as a member of ReD4NE Inc – I acknowledge that ReD4NE is an Incorporated Association pursuant to the NSW Associations Incorporations Act 2009 (‘Act’) and I/we agree to be bound by the provisions of the Act. I acknowledge ReD4NE Objectives and agree to comply with the ReD4NE Inc Constitution. The membership fee is effective from the 1st of July annually. 

Full Ordinary Member $150.00 per annum      

(full voting rights – clause 24)

Supporting Member $25.00 per annum                

(no voting rights)